दक्षिण क्षेत्र सांस्कृतिक केन्द्र

संस्कृति मंत्रालय

Dakshini, Medical College Road, Thanjavur - 613 004

Salangai Naadam Festival and Craft fair in Thanjavur

   The South Zone Cultural Centre ,annually conduct an annual folk , tribal artist presentation  for a period of 10 days during the year end in its  premises  .The artists all over the country are assemble and present their art forms in a pageantry way. The centre provides accommodation, food and travel expenses to the artists and an approved remuneration also. In sequel of the event an all India craft fair is organized to showcase the tribal , rural, folk artifacts  ,dress materials ,handicrafts and  terracotta works. Interested troupes/artisans can apply for allotting a space in event or fair in advance conveying their details  through email of the SZCC available in the site.